EAPCA: Sale of Caesar self-propelled artillery units to Armenia 'another provocation by France against Azerbaijan'

The Euro-Atlantic Azerbaijan Partnership Council has addressed France regarding arms sales to Armenia, according to Report.

The statement in this regard signed by the structure's Secretary General Sahil Gasimov notes that France's dirty politics in the South Caucasus is against international conventions.

"The Euro-Atlantic Azerbaijani Partnership Council, an international transnational lobbying structure operating in the Euro-Atlantic geography, declares that France's dirty politics in the South Caucasus is against international conventions," it reads.

According to it, the Euro-Atlantic Azerbaijani Partnership Council, an international transnational lobbying structure operating in the Euro-Atlantic geography, declared that France's dirty politics in the South Caucasus is against international conventions.

"EAPCA considers that France's provision of offensive and deadly weapons to Armenia, which has experience of committing bloody military aggression, and the expansion of the area of military cooperation between Armenia and France make it inevitable that a new war will begin," it further notes.

According to the statement, the violation of the ceasefire by the Armenian armed forces on the border with Azerbaijan, especially in the direction of Nakhchivan, is clearly the result of the military and technical support provided by France to Armenia.

"The Euro-Atlantic Azerbaijani Partnership Council strongly condemns the signing of the contract between France and Armenia on the purchase and sale of 'Caesar' self-propelled artillery units, considering it to be another provocation by France against Azerbaijan," the statement notes, adding that it considers that such situations are aimed at undermining the process of normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as efforts to establish peace and tranquility in the region.

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