About us

Report News Agency started its activity in 2014. The company is a part of the Global Media Group.

Independent Report News Agency provides readers with timely information on key developments in the country and around the world in politics, economy, society, sport and culture in the Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages through the website and daily newsletters. Analytical materials and articles about the developments taking place in Azerbaijan and abroad are available in 'Analytics' category of the website.


Report Information Agency LLC is an information agency operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan, distinguished by providing prompt and accurate information. Environmental protection and labor safety occupy an important place in our field of activity.
Report Information Agency LLC is guided by the following basic principles in the field of quality, labor safety and environmental protection:
Ensuring compliance with the requirements of international standards
Timely provision of high-quality, safe and compliant service and achieving customer satisfaction by using modern methods;
Service of product management, improvement of planning and monitoring methods, improvement of infrastructure;
Quick adaptation to market changes and increase of competitiveness;
Staff competence, safety and participation in decision-making;
Application of risk and process approach during the activity;
Formation of long-term and effective relationships with suppliers;
Compliance with the requirements of local legislation;
Management of labor safety and environmental impact factors;
Ensuring the satisfaction and safety of consumers, improving management;
Continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System (IMS).


On December 27, 2022, Report.az news website was awarded international certificates ISO-9001, ISO-14001, ISO-45001