Azerbaijan Trading House in Dubai participates in international exhibition in Abu Dhabi

Azerbaijan Trading House in Dubai participates in international exhibition in Abu Dhabi Azerbaijan Trade House, located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, participates in the International Food Exhibition held in Abu Dhabi, Shahmar Karimov, executive director of the Azerbaijan Trade House, told Report.
November 28, 2023 13:22
Azerbaijan Trading House in Dubai participates in international exhibition in Abu Dhabi

Azerbaijan Trade House in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, participates in the International Food Exhibition held in Abu Dhabi, Shahmar Karimov, executive director of the Azerbaijan Trade House, told Report.

According to him, the exhibition started yesterday and will end tomorrow: "Azerbaijan Trade House is represented at the exhibition with its own stand. The goal is to establish cooperative relations with local companies, promote our products and learn about products that are in high demand in the domestic market."

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