Ambassador: Hungary grateful to Azerbaijan for Baku Global Transparency Platform

Ambassador: Hungary grateful to Azerbaijan for Baku Global Transparency Platform Effective transparency systems are essential for understanding and implementing climate policy in the best possible way
September 3, 2024 12:02
Ambassador: Hungary grateful to Azerbaijan for Baku Global Transparency Platform

Effective transparency systems are essential for understanding and implementing climate policy in the best possible way, Hungarian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Tamás Torma said at a panel within the High-Level Dialogue: Advancing Climate Transparency through Universal Participation in the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) in Baku, Report informs.

He believes biennial transparency reports (BTR) allow for timely response and adjustment of climate policy to the existing realities. The diplomat stressed that Hungary is also grateful to Azerbaijan for the initiative of the Baku Global Platform for Climate Transparency.

"We highly appreciate the decision of the Azerbaijani COP29 Presidency to focus on further discussions on transparency, as it is a cornerstone, a central element of global climate planning, and this topic is often not given due attention," he said.

The ambassador added that the EU countries are working intensively to prepare their BTRs within the established deadlines and appreciate the opportunity to discuss this issue with other parties.

"In this regard, I would like to once again thank the Azerbaijani chairmanship for organizing this important dialogue," he said.

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