Member of Supervisory Board of State Agency: COP29 has not only political but also economic dividends

Member of Supervisory Board of State Agency: COP29 has not only political but also economic dividends Azar Allahveranov, a member of the Supervisory Board of the State Support Agency to Non-Governmental Organizations, said that COP29 is important for both Azerbaijan and the entire South Caucasus, Report informs.
December 18, 2023 16:19
Member of Supervisory Board of State Agency: COP29 has not only political but also economic dividends

COP29 is important for both Azerbaijan and the entire South Caucasus, Azar Allahveranov, a member of the Supervisory Board of the Agency for State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, said at the public discussion about the importance of COP29 to be held in Azerbaijan next year, Report informs.

According to him, the reputation of Azerbaijan is in the attention of the world: "That is why we are trusted. Of course, COP29 has not only political but also economic dividends."

Allahverenov reminded that one-fifth of Azerbaijan remained under occupation for a long time: "Those areas were 'gray zone'. Now, we are turning those areas into 'green zones'. We have very important goals. In this sense, entrusting COP29 to Azerbaijan is significant."

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