US Ambassador extends greetings on Azerbaijani Alphabet and Language Day
US Ambassador extends greetings on Azerbaijani Alphabet and Language DayUS Ambassador Mark Libby conveyed his heartfelt congratulations to Azerbaijan on the occasion of the Day of Azerbaijani Alphabet and Language.
US Ambassador Mark Libby conveyed his heartfelt congratulations to Azerbaijan on the occasion of the Day of Azerbaijani Alphabet and Language.
According to Report, the embassy shared a video on their social media page X to mark this significant day.
In the congratulatory video, the American diplomat showcased his proficiency in the Azerbaijani language, revealing that he had begun learning it a year prior to his appointment as the ambassador to Baku.
The celebration took on a poetic note as members of the US diplomatic mission recited a poem by renowned Azerbaijani poet Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh. The verse, dedicated to the beauty and richness of the Azerbaijani language, added a touch of literary flair to the occasion.
August 1 is annually observed as the Day of Azerbaijani Alphabet and Language.
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