Candidates for new CEC membership - LIST

Candidates for new CEC membership - LIST The Central Election Commission (CEC) has determined the list of candidates for the new membership.
Domestic policy
April 23, 2021 15:59
Candidates for new CEC membership - LIST

The Central Election Commission (CEC) has determined the list of candidates for the new membership.

The report presents this list:

The candidates representing the political party (New Azerbaijan Party) that forms the majority in the Milli Majlis and nominates its candidacy are as follows:

Mazahir Panahov

Rovzat Gasimov

Huseyn Pashayev

Shaitdin Aliyev

Ramiz Ibrahimov

Valida Kazimova

Humbatov Suraddin (reserve member)
Candidates for the Central Election Commission (CEC) of the deputies of the Milli Majlis who do not belong to any political party:

Arifa Mukhtarova

Ilham Mammadov

Nizami Nadirkhanli

Fuad Cavadov

Qabil Orucov

Naila Askerova

Aydin Muradov

The candidates of the political parties that are in the minority in the parliament are as follows:

Great Establishment Party (BGP) - Bakhsheyish Asgarov

Motherland Party (AVP) - Etibar Guliyev

United Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (UAPP) - Mikayil Rahimli

Civil Solidarity Party (CSP) - Almas Gahramanli.

The other two candidates from the minority parties in parliament will be determined soon.

The Commission is re-formed this month as the term of office of CEC members expires and traditionally consists of 18 people. Six will represent the ruling New Azerbaijan Party (NAP), six will be neutral candidates, and six will be from minority parties in parliament.

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