My Voice coalition: Parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan were transparent

My Voice coalition: Parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan were transparent My Voice election coalition observers did not record any serious violations during the early parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan on September 1.
Domestic policy
September 2, 2024 16:41
My Voice coalition: Parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan were transparent

My Voice election coalition observers did not record any serious violations during the early parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan on September 1.

According to Report, the coalition said in a statement on the results of monitoring the early elections to Azerbaijani Parliament that the necessary conditions were created at the polling stations for the free expression of voters' will and observation of the process. Coalition representatives did not record any facts of interference with journalists' work or unauthorized presence of state officials.

"The coalition prepared professional observers for the elections, who monitored 70 electoral districts, covering 56% of the total number of districts across the country, including Karabakh, Eastern Zangazur, and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

During the pre-election period, the coalition held meetings with candidates, international observers, including the OSCE/ODIHR mission, exchanged information, and prepared interim reports.

"At the polling stations covered by the monitoring of the My Voice coalition, the early parliamentary elections were held openly and transparently," the statement emphasizes.

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