President: I am sure you will glorify the name of 'Karabakh'

President: I am sure you will glorify the name of 'Karabakh' "We have lived as an occupied country and endured for 28 years. We made preparations, gathered strength, and drove the enemy out of our lands," President Ilham Aliyev said while receiving the members of the Qarabag football club. 
Domestic policy
December 13, 2021 15:26
President: I am sure you will glorify the name of 'Karabakh'

"We have lived as an occupied country for 28 years. We made preparations, gathered strength, and drove the enemy out of our lands," President Ilham Aliyev said while receiving the members of the Qarabag football club.

"Over the years, we have faced many injustices and double standards. It did not discourage us at all, on the contrary, it inspired me as president, made me more determined, and gave me extra strength to carry out this historic mission. I am sure that this injustice will give us additional power, and you will embark on your next games with greater determination and will. You will glorify the name of 'Karabakh' and the name of the Azerbaijani football community," the head of state noted.

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