Brussels meeting - another victory of Azerbaijani diplomacy and President

Brussels meeting - another victory of Azerbaijani diplomacy and President The meeting of President Ilham Aliyev with the President of the Council of the European Union Charles Michel and the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan in Brussels, without exception, should be considered the next victory of Azerbaijani diplomacy a
Foreign policy
September 1, 2022 14:25
Brussels meeting - another victory of Azerbaijani diplomacy and President

"The meeting of President Ilham Aliyev with the President of the Council of the European Union Charles Michel and the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan in Brussels, without exception, should be considered the next victory of Azerbaijani diplomacy and Ilham Aliyev personally, and the celebration of the offensive policy doctrine. To understand the essence of the matter, we must have a conceptual approach to Charles Michel's statement on the conclusions of the meeting," MP Bahruz Maharramov told Report.

According to him, Armenia was uninterested in implementing the agreements of the previous three meetings, although it did not admit it openly.

"In this sense, Yerevan's consent to the formation of a working group to work on the text of the peace agreement in new contacts yesterday means that a significant barrier has been crossed in the course of the processes. Thus, Armenia, which has constantly been avoiding concrete steps towards a peace agreement, was finally forced to express its initial agreement in this direction, and undertook a commitment that the foreign ministers will work on the text of the peace agreement within the next month. This means that just as President Ilham Aliyev forced Armenia to take known progress through military coercion measures in the Patriotic War, Farrukh, and Revenge operations, the leader of Azerbaijan also forced Armenia to commit to the establishment of a working group on a peace agreement through diplomatic coercion measures at the meeting yesterday."

Maharramov said that one of the other important points of the fourth Brussels meeting is that the Karabakh issue was not on the agenda.

"If you remember, on August 12, in an interview with Azerbaijan Television in Basgal settlement, Ilham Aliyev categorically stated, 'There is no Karabakh issue in the normalization process between Armenia and Azerbaijan. What does Armenia have to do with it? This is our internal work.' After this statement, the continuation of the subject of the meeting in practical contact based on the will of the President of Azerbaijan according to international law, that is, the fact that Karabakh, which is a commonly recognized territory of Azerbaijan, is not a topic of discussion is an important victory for Baku in itself, as well as containing a fair approach. Also, not mentioning the name of the OSCE Minsk Group institution at the Brussels meeting, and thus not giving the co-chairs institution a chance, even in a possible perspective, was a solid and practical response to the failed efforts to revive this institution that had ended its life."

"Our final conclusion regarding the Brussels meeting suggests that the processes are developing according to the will of President Ilham Aliyev, within the five principles put forward by Azerbaijan, and our national interests are fully met. At the same time, the role of the European Union and Charles Michel personally in this process is in accordance with the national interests of Azerbaijan, which ensures the future of the region as a whole, and in this sense, we can hope for a successful final peace agreement in the continuation of the Brussels process," MP stressed.

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