Expert: Hungary strengthens relations with Turkic states through OTS

Expert: Hungary strengthens relations with Turkic states through OTS Hungary finds the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) important not only to diversify its economy, but also to rebuild relations with Türkiye, Azerbaijan, and other countries in the region, Hungarian security policy expert Attila Demko told Report.
Foreign policy
July 5, 2024 14:23
Expert: Hungary strengthens relations with Turkic states through OTS

Hungary finds the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) important not only to diversify its economy, but also to rebuild relations with Türkiye, Azerbaijan, and other countries in the region, Hungarian security policy expert Attila Demko told Report.

“We have to have closer relations with our Eastern partners because it's good economically for Hungary. And by the way, we think it would be good for Europe to have stronger relations. And also we have cultural links to the Turkic states. Azerbaijan is a very important country and we believe that Azerbaijan is a very important country for the whole European Union. Since Azerbaijan is a very important producer of oil and gas and also its location is pivotal as part of the Middle Corridor. So for us, Hungarians and our foreign policy, we would like to explain to our European allies and friends that we have to engage Azerbaijan and we have to treat Azerbaijan on an equal footing,” Demko said.

According to him, holding an informal summit of OTC in Shusha is symbolic, since the city has great historical and cultural significance for Azerbaijan:

“Hungary always supported the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan. And of course, Shusha is a symbolic place, a city of great importance for Azerbaijani culture, so I think it's a symbolic place to have this meeting.”

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