US scientist announces threat of COVID-26, COVID-32

US scientist announces threat of COVID-26, COVID-32 It is necessary to study the origin of COVID-19 thoroughly, otherwise, humanity may face COVID-26 and COVID-32
May 31, 2021 09:14
US scientist announces threat of COVID-26, COVID-32

It is necessary to study the origin of COVID-19 thoroughly, otherwise, humanity may face COVID-26 and COVID-32, Peter Hotez, an American scientist and one of the experts on coronavirus and infectious diseases in the US, said on the air of NBC News, Report informs.

This is the third major epidemic or coronavirus pandemic in the 21st century (after SARS and MERS). There will be COVID-26 and COVID-32 if the origin of COVID-19 isn’t fully understood, said the expert.

Hotez stressed that it is necessary to investigate the occurrence of an outbreak of the novel coronavirus. For this, virologists, epidemiologists, and other specialists should be sent to the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the epidemic began, he said. On the spot, they will have to collect data and the necessary samples, the scientist added.

At the same time, the expert noted that it would be difficult to obtain information about the origin of the coronavirus without cooperation with China on this issue.

The US needs to put intense pressure on China, including possible sanctions, so that a team of prominent epidemiologists and virologists in China has unhindered access to animals, people, samples, and laboratories, Hotez said.

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