Over 40 companies complain to EC regarding Google

Over 40 companies complain to EC regarding Google More than 40 European rivals to Google's shopping service urged EU antitrust regulators on Monday to use newly adopted tech rules to ensure the Alphabet unit complies with a 2017 EU order to allow more competition on its search page.
October 17, 2022 17:41
Over 40 companies complain to EC regarding Google

More than 40 European rivals to Google's shopping service urged EU antitrust regulators on Monday to use newly adopted tech rules to ensure the Alphabet unit complies with a 2017 EU order to allow more competition on its search page.

Report informs, citing Reuters, that the European Commission fined Google 2.4 billion euros ($2.33 billion) five years ago and told the firm to stop favouring its shopping service.

In a letter to EU antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager, the 43 companies - which include British firm Kelkoo, France's LeGuide Group, Sweden's PriceRunner and Germany's idealo - said the proposal was legally insufficient and had not led to them benefitting from the advert auctions.

"The Commission needs to re-open space on general search results pages for the most relevant providers, by removing Google's Shopping Units that allow no competition but lead to higher prices and less choice for consumers and an unfair transfer of profit margins from merchants and competing CSSs to Google," the companies said in the letter seen by Reuters.

They said Google's mechanism breaches the Digital Markets Act (DMA), Vestager's new rules aimed at reining in the power of tech giants, which will apply in May next year.

"Google's prominent embedding of Shopping Units is a prima facie infringement of the DMA's ban on self-preferencing," they said.

"Considering the unambiguous new legal framework, it is now time to walk the talk. The most paramount case at the heart of the calls for the DMA needs to be brought to an effective end," the companies, from 20 European countries, said.

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