Armenia's next trick - who cut off gas in Khankandi?

Armenia's next trick - who cut off gas in Khankandi? "Armenia continues to spread misinformation about Azerbaijan. One of them is allegedly related to the current gas cut-off by Azerbaijan in the gas pipeline to Khankendi. This information has no basis. In fact, these acts are committed by the Armenians the
March 23, 2022 16:04
Armenia's next trick - who cut off gas in Khankandi?

"Armenia continues to spread misinformation about Azerbaijan. One of them is related to the alleged cutting off gas supply to Khankandi by Azerbaijan. This information is baseless. In fact, these acts are committed by the Armenians themselves," MP, member of the board of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) Javid Osmanov told Report.

According to him, the Armenians are trying to create the impression that Azerbaijan is targeting and oppressing the population living there by cutting off the gas supply to Khankandi:

"This issue has nothing to do with Azerbaijan and is yet another provocation of Armenia against our country. Some international organizations and circles are trying to cause a scandal based on this disinformation of Armenians. They want to put pressure on our country. Today, as always, Azerbaijan is a supporter of peace. During the 44-day war, Azerbaijan liberated its territories from occupation and, as a winner, even repeatedly offered to sign a peace agreement with defeated Armenia. However, those in power in Yerevan always try to avoid it under fictitious excuses."

The MP appealed to international organizations and circles that want to put pressure on Azerbaijan using the disinformation of Armenians:

"Let them not forget that during the occupation, Armenians carried out ecological terror against Azerbaijan, cut down our forests, and polluted our rivers. Armenia has used our water resources in the occupied territories for almost 30 years to create an artificial environmental disaster. In 2016, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe passed a resolution entitled 'Residents of frontline regions of Azerbaijan are deliberately deprived of water', demanding that the Armenian government stop using water resources as a tool of political influence or pressure. Armenia completely ignored the resolution and continued to use the Sarsang Reservoir as an instrument of humanitarian and environmental terrorism. Armenia deliberately opened a reservoir in the winter months, causing floods in the surrounding areas, and in the summer months, cutting off water and depriving people and farms in the former frontline region of water. For some reason, those international organizations did not see or did not want to see them. This begs the question of why international organizations turned a blind eye to this Armenian vandalism? Now they have joined the disinformation spread by Armenians and are still trying to speak against our country. Let them know and remember that Azerbaijan has never targeted civilians. We have shown this to the world many times during the 44-day war and before it. Azerbaijan has always done its best to help people in need, no matter where they are. We have witnessed this once again during the COVID-19 pandemic and the provision of humanitarian assistance to war zones."

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