Expert: While Armenia makes revanchist plans, Azerbaijan is creating conditions for peace

Expert: While Armenia makes revanchist plans, Azerbaijan is creating conditions for peace While Armenia is making revanchist plans, Azerbaijan wants peace and is creating conditions for this
August 19, 2021 16:39
Expert: While Armenia makes revanchist plans, Azerbaijan is creating conditions for peace

While Armenia is making revanchist plans, Azerbaijan wants peace and is creating conditions for this, a military-political scientist, associate professor of the Department of Political Science and Sociology of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, a member of the ‘Officers of Russia’ expert council, Alexander Perendzhiev said, the Russian bureau of Report informs.

Commenting on the beginning of large-scale restoration work in Karabakh, the expert noted that Azerbaijan demonstrates its capabilities and makes these territories ‘attractive’: “This can contribute to the elimination of hostile relations between the two peoples. Armenians will understand that living conditions will be created for them, opportunities will be provided much better than those they have today. It is important to relieve them of suspicions about their safety.”

According to Perendzhiev, the development of the previously occupied territories means the country’s development as a whole. He believes that good infrastructure and the establishment of life in Karabakh contribute to the consolidation of the country’s unity.

“These territories are part of the country not only geopolitically, but also in socio-economic and cultural terms,” the expert concluded.

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