Russian political scientist: Azerbaijan held brilliant victory parade

Russian political scientist: Azerbaijan held brilliant victory parade The expert also called the demonstration of a wall with license plates of enemy military equipment at the parade significant.
December 10, 2020 17:52
 Russian political scientist: Azerbaijan held brilliant victory parade

Azerbaijan held a brilliant victory parade dedicated to the liberation of its territories from enemy occupation.

Yevgeni Mikhailov, a Russian expert on international conflicts, told Report.

"Thousands of soldiers of Azerbaijan and brotherly Turkey marched through the streets of Baku. It was enjoyable to watch how the capital welcomed the liberators. This day will be remembered forever in the people's memory and will become a reminder to the aggressors that it is better not to give a reason to repeat such celebrations. "

The expert also called the demonstration of a wall with license plates of enemy military equipment at the parade significant.

"This is a message to those who made such a wall in Karabakh from the license plates of civilian cars of peaceful Azerbaijanis killed and expelled from their native lands. A very eloquent reminder that "we'll meet sword with a sword!", "E. Mikhailov concluded.

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