Foreign press refers to Report News Agency

Foreign press refers to Report News Agency From the first day of the military operations, Report News Agency has become a source referred to by authoritative publications in many countries producing operative news in Azerbaijani, Russian, and English to provide accurate and detailed information to
October 9, 2020 11:47
Foreign press refers to Report News Agency

From the first day of the military operations, Report News Agency has become a source referred to by authoritative publications in many countries producing operative news in Azerbaijani, Russian, and English to provide accurate and detailed information to local and foreign audiences.

The Russian press occupies a special place among active observers who closely follow the conflict's active phase. The neighboring country's Vedomosti, RBC, Echo of Moscow, Regnum, and other media outlets have also used Report's news in recent weeks.

The Ukrainian media, which is facing a conflict on its territory, also focuses on the Karabakh war. TV channels, websites, and online magazines in the country publish the materials referring to web resource of the Report News Agency.

Considering that Karabakh is the hottest spot globally, the press of non - regional countries also cover the conflict.

Numerous reports on the firing of heavy weapons by Armenian terrorists on civilian areas and cities outside the war zones, in gross violation of obligations under international law, are also published in the global media referring to

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