Tank units of Azerbaijani army carry out practical training exercises

Tank units of Azerbaijani army carry out practical training exercises In accordance with the combat training plan for 2022, the crews of mechanized and tank units carried out practical training exercises on driving and fire training.
February 23, 2022 15:54
Tank units of Azerbaijani army carry out practical training exercises

In accordance with the combat training plan for 2022, the crews of mechanized and tank units carried out practical training exercises on driving and fire training.

Report informs, citing the Ministry of Defense, that the main objective of the practical training exercises is to improve the skills of driver mechanics in the military equipment management and the abilities of gunner-operators in shooting from vehicles in motion and motionless states, as well as further increase the combat readiness of mechanized and tank units.

All the tasks assigned were successfully accomplished during the practical training exercises.

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