Expert: Armenian diaspora contradicts Russia's interests

Expert: Armenian diaspora contradicts Russia's interests A Russian expert will file a lawsuit with the Prosecutor-General's Office against the screening of a film about Garegin Nzhdeh in Russia, expert Sergei Markov of the Center for Political Studies told the Russian bureau of Report.
February 8, 2022 14:18
Expert: Armenian diaspora contradicts Russia's interests

A Russian expert will file a lawsuit with the Prosecutor-General's Office against the screening of a film about Garegin Nzhdeh in Russia, expert Sergei Markov of the Center for Political Studies told the Russian bureau of Report.

"We are now discussing the issue of filing a lawsuit with the Prosecutor-General's Office in order to bring to justice those who glorify Garegin Nzhdeh," the expert said.

Markov noted that the Armenian diaspora is in conflict with the interests of the Russian Federation.

“It seems to me that the screening of this film indicates that the system of ideological guidelines and values of the Armenian community in Russia is in conflict with the all-Russian policy. Garegin Nzhdeh was engaged in sabotage terrorist activities. He is guilty of numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity."

According to the expert, the tragic mistake of the Armenian community is that they insist on the heroism of Garegin Nzhdeh.

"Armenians must find the strength in themselves to admit that Garegin Nzhdeh is not a hero."

"There are a lot of direct and outright lies in this film. The film glorifies not only the Nazi criminal Garegin Nzhdeh, but also war crimes that were committed during the civil war," Sergei Markov said.

Earlier, the Veterans of Russia accused the Union of Armenians of Russia of rehabilitating fascism due to the film about Nzhdeh.

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