Georgian Azerbaijanis refuse surname endings "ov" and "yev"

Georgian Azerbaijanis refuse surname endings "ov" and "yev" The Committee on Procedural Issues and Rules of the Georgian Parliament supported the registration of the initiative group of ethnic Azerbaijanis living in the country, the local Bureau of Report says, citing the press service of the legislature.
August 2, 2021 14:02
Georgian Azerbaijanis refuse surname endings ov and yev

The Committee on Procedural Issues and Rules of the Georgian Parliament supported the registration of the initiative group of ethnic Azerbaijanis living in the country, the local Bureau of Report says, citing the press service of the legislature.

Georgian citizens of Azerbaijani origin, members of the initiative group, want to restore their real, authentic surnames and refuse the endings "ov", "yev" and other non-authentic ones and demand amendments to the Law on Civil Acts.

Relevant legislative proposals will be prepared and submitted to parliament on the initiative of at least 25,000 voters.

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