Novruz may become national holiday of Georgia

Novruz may become national holiday of Georgia Public activist Samira Bayramova has prepared a petition to declare Novruz a national holiday in Georgia, the local Bureau of Report informs.
February 22, 2021 17:06
 Novruz may become national holiday of Georgia

Public activist Samira Bayramova has prepared a petition to declare Novruz a national holiday in Georgia, the local Bureau of Report informs.

The petition in Azerbaijani and Georgian was posted on the website and addressed to the Georgian parliament.

The document states that Georgia is distinguished by its ethnic diversity, which is the country's wealth: "Representatives of various ethnic minorities living in the country consider Georgia as their homeland, but their participation in the country's political or cultural life is almost invisible."

The author of the petition believes that the culture unites and brings peoples together: "The perfect example of marking this unity is the holiday of Novruz, which is included in the list of the intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO. Georgia has been celebrating Novruz for many centuries. The announcement of Novruz as a national holiday will play an essential role in strengthening the friendship of different ethnic groups living in Georgia, strengthening cultural and social ties. The state's decision will be an important political message to recognize the country's multicultural past and present and improve its future."

Two thousand signatures must be collected for the appeal to be considered by the legislature.

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