CMO issues calendar for Ramadan

CMO issues calendar for Ramadan The Caucasus Muslims Office (CMO) has issued the calendar for the month of Ramadan.
April 9, 2021 20:04
CMO issues calendar for Ramadan

The Caucasus Muslims Office (CMO) has issued the calendar for the month of Ramadan.

According to Report, the calendar marks the prayer hours of Ramadan, including Imsak and Iftar timings.

The calendar also includes the daily prayers of the month of Ramadan. According to the Ramadan calendar, the Ahya night falls on May 1, the second night of Ahya on May 3, the third Ahya night on May 5, and the last night on May 9.

The 1st day of the Shawwal month (May 13) is the holiday of Fitr (Ramadan).

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