How will opening of Azerbaijani embassy in Israel affect tourism sector?

How will opening of Azerbaijani embassy in Israel affect tourism sector? The opening of the Azerbaijani embassy in Israel this week creates a solid foundation for further deepening cooperation in many areas
March 31, 2023 15:12
How will opening of Azerbaijani embassy in Israel affect tourism sector?

The opening of the Azerbaijani embassy in Israel this week creates a solid foundation for further deepening of cooperation in many areas. An increase in mutual tourist trips is expected among other things. What factors play a decisive role in Israelis' choosing Azerbaijan as a tourist destination and how big is the potential for tourism development between the countries?

President of Skal International Baku, the International Association of Travel and Tourism Professionals, Jeyhun Ashurov told Report that there are several reasons for Israeli citizens to choose Azerbaijan: “First of all, they feel confident in Azerbaijan. In addition, a trip to Azerbaijan is inexpensive. Israeli citizens come not only to Baku, but also to other our regions.”

Ashurov stressed that a huge number of Azerbaijanis live in Israel, who regularly visit their relatives in Azerbaijan or have their own business here. In addition, it is convenient to fly from Azerbaijan to Israel due to direct flights, he noted.

The chairman of the organization says that people go from Azerbaijan to Israel mainly for treatment, since tourist trips are relatively expensive.

The number of Israeli citizens who visited Azerbaijan in 2022 amounted to 23,935 people (50% more than in 2019).

The State Tourism Agency told Report that Israel is one of the target tourism markets for Azerbaijan: “In August 2021, the tourism and trade representation of Azerbaijan was opened in Israel. In March 2022, the opening of the Tel Aviv office of the official tourism representative office of Azerbaijan took place in Israel, a cooperation agreement was signed between the State Tourism Agency and the Ministry of Tourism of Israel.”

The State Tourism Agency developed a tourist route “Jewish heritage in Azerbaijan” and, together with the Israeli embassy in Azerbaijan, carried out activities to develop and improve tourist routes in the area of compact residence of mountain Jews in Krasnaya Sloboda settlement in Guba district.

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